
平常我们在注册网站输入密码的时候,网站都会提示你的密码强度,当然密码越复杂,强度就越高,账号就越安全。这个帮忙检测密码强度的网站非常有趣,域名也很有趣: nakedpassword.com当你需要设置一个密码你可以光顾一下它,看到框内的小人了吗,她的名字叫Sally,当你输入的密码足够复杂,她的衣服就会一件件脱去,一丝不挂时就说明密码超强啦! 这是多么的生动形象啊,如果用真人。。。

好吧,其实这是一款名叫 Naked Password 的 jQuery 插件,你可以在该网站上找到该插件的使用方法并且在右上角有下载链接。


Naked password is extremely easy to use. All thats needed is for you to attach nakedPassword(); to one or all of your password fields.


Naked password assumes that the images are uploaded in a publicly accessible folder called "images/".
You can overwrite the images path as follows:

$("input:password").nakedPassword({path: "/new_image_path/"});

Note: If you want to use it on multiple fields on one page, make sure these fields have unique id’s.

And thats it! Feel free to fork a copy of our repo on github and push any changes to us, and we’ll take a look!

